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What is The Abundant Birth Project?

The Abundant Birth Project (ABP) is a guaranteed income program that provides cash during pregnancy. It was developed by Expecting Justice, research partners, and the community to make birthing healthier and safer for the people facing the greatest risk during their pregnancy journey.

ABP provides cash with no strings attached as a strategy to prevent stress during pregnancy. Research shows this is likely to prevent babies from being born too early or too small and can also protect the health of the mother (or birthing parent). By providing unconditional cash, mamas have resources to support themselves and their families, and babies have the chance at a healthy start.


The Abundant Birth Project is expanding to four CA counties:

Alameda, Contra Costa, Los Angeles, and Riverside

The California Abundant Birth Project (CA ABP) provides monthly unconditional income supplements to pregnant individuals at the highest risk of preterm birth, starting in the 1st or 2nd trimester for 12-18 months. The risk factors for CA ABP are determined by research showing that pregnant individuals who have sickle cell anemia, pre-existing hypertension, pre-existing diabetes, have had a previous preterm birth, or identify as Black have the highest odds of having a preterm birth.

If selected participants will receive the following monthly cash gift, based on county of residence:

Cash is more than money. It also promotes a sense of well-being by representing dignity, trust, safety, and connectedness.

How Abundant Are We So Far?

Mamas Served
$ Disbursed
0 M
Babies Born

“Creating life and giving birth is sacred. When we shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance, we invite healing for generations to come”

ABP Community Love

Our Thank Yous

The California Abundant Birth Project would not be thriving without the collaboration of our team, our supporters, and key partners: AidKit, Regal Art Designs, and all of our generous CA ABP Expansion funders! We would not be able to do this amazing work without you.

We would like to thank the California Department of Social Services, Skyline Foundation, Joseph & Vera Long Foundation, Flora Family Foundation, Crankstart, Perigee, Hellman, Blue Shield, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, California Wellness Foundation, Rosenberg Foundation, California Black Freedom Fund, Y&H Soda Foundation, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, Stupski Foundation, City & County of San Francisco, and Los Angeles County.